Super Sparkily Bollwood-o-lichious PI wedding planning thread - where dreams take flight.... (Apr/16/2010 )
perhaps you should add another god/goddess as different treatment, our good old squirrels might work here
hobglobin on Fri Jul 30 16:18:15 2010 said:
perhaps you should add another god/goddess as different treatment, our good old squirrels might work here
oh thanks a lot dr H for comparing me with the good old squirrels
goood idea!!!! we can play ice-hockey for raising the funds....
Prep! on Sat Jul 31 03:40:02 2010 said:
goood idea!!!! we can play ice-hockey for raising the funds....
an ice-hockey bioforum-celebrity death match and the winner pays it all
Here are some ideas from phdcomics... for PI's wedding
Oh well, regarding the experiment for praying to Goddess Casandra... what is my positive control??? Who should I pray for my positive control??
you don't need no positive control for this, Adrian....I'm omni-everything, remember?
......and now we've to revive this thread cos PI's D Day is almost here.....
how about this for wedding place cards, PI?
Excellent choice Casu-hime!Although maybe a tattoo version is in order?
matching his and hers tattoos? great idea, Lost-san......but I was kinda thinking....since Mats is gonna get married to PI, hmmm...perhaps the ball and chain shld be attached to the girl........
HA! yes perhaps- to stop her from running away
and this would be hanging in every room of PI's and Mats' home (PI's eternal all-purpose excuse):