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Just because it's interesting - have a look on it (Nov/28/2009 )

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Food chain upside down:

not always the arthropods are eaten by vertebrates :(

and some spiders even live under water, the diving bell spiders


and these are definitely off the food chain.....;)

Phone sheep:art created by Jean Luc Cornec using old dial phones and coils of cord. It has been displayed in the Museum For Communications in Frankfurt, Germany


sometimes I don't want to believe what I see on TV/youtube.

Casu-hime, is this really ture?


Nabi on Mar 6 2010, 02:58 AM said:

sometimes I don't want to believe what I see on TV/youtube.

Casu-hime, is this really ture?

Of course it's true, BB-san (I've seen her a few times- she's quite visible..).....besides, whatever Rick Mercer says- you can take to the bank...:wacko:....

here are more remarkable people


For your cinematographic knowledge Alfred Hitchcock's cameos
Nice and interesting.


Have a look here

Is it a Canadian invention? I guess every Canuck has one :D


of course not....they're only good for the Brits- their "really, really cold" 0 degree winter temps. :lol:...only babies and toddlers wear them here....

Now, how about some "Coffee good to the last puff"....


won't you get a pneumoconiosis? :lol:

I wonder if this stuff is better or stronger compared to normal coffee or tea?


no need for coffee or guarana to keep you awake while at work, chitchatting here or attending a narcoleptic seminar :lol:...check out these wink glasses....really-all the wonders of modern technology......but I still vote for inemuri...


isn't this better?

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