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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Venting-and-Counseling
31. Significant Problems with Masters Supervisor - (reply: 3)
32. Graduate Student recruitment weekend come to talk about my research pas - (reply: 1)
33. behavior of team - (reply: 13)
34. Need some advice for graduate research - (reply: 5)
35. Government funding for scientific research in the world today - (reply: 2)
36. Two candidates working on the same project? - (reply: 3)
37. Quitting the PhD - (reply: 13)
38. Getting "in" the Feild . - (reply: 11)
39. Don't really know what to do with thesis supervisor - (reply: 3)
40. Fear of isotopes - anyone has good advice? (reply: 3)
41. Need some advice - (reply: 5)
42. Authorship issue - (reply: 6)
43. My advisor is channeling a Magic 8-ball - Disclaimer: I am frustrated, so my funny bone may have malfunctioned. (reply: 9)
44. Terrible Biotech Company - withholding pay, contradicting bs (reply: 5)
45. End of a scientific research career? - (reply: 9)
46. Motivation and where to get it from. - (reply: 17)
47. Supervisor problems - supervisor not doing their job (reply: 3)
48. I just...destroyed something - FML (reply: 16)
49. Alternative uses for a masters degree in molecular biology? - (reply: 5)
50. Concerned about sterile technique - (reply: 9)
51. Complain about old PI - venting, venting, venting (reply: 8)
52. Pointless masters - (reply: 4)
53. I am just venting some of my worries and frustration here.... - may not be very logical and flowing >_< (reply: 7)
54. Lab sabotage - worth reading (reply: 4)
55. scoring scientists - h index et al (reply: 6)
56. Advice on proposal for fellowship - whose advice to take? (reply: 2)
57. The boss from the hell - To stay or to leave? (reply: 19)
58. Career Change - patent lawyer? - (reply: 6)
59. departamental policies - (reply: 13)
60. technicians and papers - (reply: 31)

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