- Methods for DNA Sequencing (Bruce A. Roe Lab, University of Oklahoma)
A series of protocols describes various of DNA sequencing methods including: Bst-catalyzed radiolabeled DNA sequencing, Radiolabeled sequencing gel preparation, loading, and electrophoresis, Taq-polymerase catalyzed cycle sequencing using fluorescent-labeled dye primers, Taq-polymerase catalyzed cycle sequencing using fluorescent-labeled dye terminator reactions, Sequenase[TM] catalyzed sequencing with dye-labeled terminators, Fluorescent-labeled sequencing gel preparation, pre-electrophoresis, sample loading, electrophoresis, data collection, and analysis on the ABI 373A DNA sequencer, Double-stranded sequencing of cDNA clones containing long poly(A) tails using anchored poly(dT) primers, cDNA sequencing based on PCR and random shotgun cloning
Added: Tue Feb 03 2009, Hits: 2316, Reviews: 0 Write review Cached