Related Categories:
- Cell Migration Assay
(Chen Lab, UCSF)
Added: Fri Feb 06 2009, Hits: 4513, Reviews: 0 Write review - Chemotaxis Assay (Springer Lab, Harvard University)
The purpose of a chemotaxis assay is to determine whether your protein or small molecule of interest has chemotactic activity on a specific cell type. Chemotaxis is the ability of a protein to direct the migration of a specific cell. This assay is based on the premise of creating a gradient of the chemotactic agent and allowing cells to migrate through a membrane towards the chemotactic agent. If the agent is not chemotactic for the cell, then the majority of the cells will remain on the membrane. If the agent is chemotactic, then the cells will migrate through the membrane and settle on the bottom of the well of the chemotaxis plate.
Added: Wed Aug 14 2002, Hits: 1274, Reviews: 0 Write review Cached -
3D Assay in Matrigel
(Bissell Lab, Berkely Lab)
Added: Fri Feb 06 2009, Hits: 1820, Reviews: 0 Write review Cached -
Assay for Adhesion and Agar Invasion in S. cerevisiae
(Journal of Visualized Experiments)
Involves growing cells in liquid media and plating on differential nutrient conditions for growth of large spots, which is then washed with water to assess adhesion and rub cells completely off the agar surface to assess invasion into the agar.
Added: Fri Feb 06 2009, Hits: 1258, Reviews: 0 Write review Cached -
Carbohydrate-Specific Adhesion of Intact Cells to Resolved Glycolipids on TLC Plates
his procedure allows detection of specific cell adhesion to glycolipids resolved on TLC plates. The steps include: (1) HPTLC of glycoconjugates, (2) coating the chromatogram with polymer, (3) preblocking the chromatogram to reduce non-specific cell binding, (4) mounting the chromatogram in the acrylic chamber, (5) adding labeled cells, (6) incubating, (7) removal of non-adherent cells by centrifugation, and (8) fixation of adherent cells for detection.
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 947, Reviews: 0 Write review Cached -
Cell Adherence Assay
(Laurie Lab, University of Virginia Health Science Center)
Proteins are coated on microtiter plates and cells are added; after the nonbound cells are washed away...
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 4289, Reviews: 0 Write review Cached -
Cell Adhesion Assay Protocol
(Chen Lab, UCSF)
Added: Fri Feb 06 2009, Hits: 5083, Reviews: 0 Write review -
Cell Adhesion Protocol Manual
(BD Biosciences)
This manual provides useful information and procedures for analyzing cell adhesion gene expression by different methods, cell culture, quantitation of cell adhesion, etc.
Added: Sun Aug 26 2012, Hits: 1332, Reviews: 0 Write review -
Cell Migration, Chemotaxis and Invasion Assay Protocol
This new 10-page protocol outlines the steps for conducting a Transwell insert-based cell invasion assay through a BME barrier with special notes for conducting a chemotaxis assay without a BME or ECM barrier. It is a generalized protocol and can be easily adapted to suit your needs.
Added: Wed Feb 11 2009, Hits: 5831, Reviews: 0 Write review -
Dynamic Flow Assay in a Parallel Plate Flow Chamber
Flow assays allow visualization of cell adhesion under well-defined wall shear stress. The visualization of the different events of cell adhesion can be quantified by selective image acquisition and subsequent image processing. Flow assays are uniquely suited to the investigation of adhesive events which occur very rapidly in a time scale shorter than that of most static adhesion assays. In addition, events subsequent to the initial events can be studied such as cell stabilization and spreading giving some insight into the kenetics of particular cell-cell or cell-substrate adhesive behavior.
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 1134, Reviews: 0 Write review Cached -
Hanging Drop Aggregation Assay
(The Science Advisory Board)
This assay is used for the aggregation property of cancer cells. It is a very critical parameter for measurement of cell metastasis.
Added: Wed Feb 18 2009, Hits: 1502, Reviews: 0 Write review Cached -
Measurement of Cell Adhesion Under Static Conditions
This protocol introduces the use of a liquid-filled wash chamber that separates unbound cells by gravity thereby eliminating uncontrolled shear forces and passage of adherent cells through a liquid/air interface. This protocol is also useful for assaying molecules that promote or inhibit cell adhesion.
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 1894, Reviews: 0 Write review Cached -
Microtubule (MT)/Organelle Motility Assays
(Salmon Lab, Department of Biology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
An in vitro assay that uses video-enhanced differential interference contrast (VE-DIC) microscopy to examine the motile interactions between isolated organelle fractions and microtubules
Added: Mon Feb 02 2009, Hits: 998, Reviews: 0 Write review Cached -
Motility Assay
(The Science Advisory Board)
An assay for determining cancer cell motility
Added: Wed Feb 18 2009, Hits: 2244, Reviews: 0 Write review Cached