Presidential Election - Let the polls begin! (Oct/12/2004 )
"Retarted", eh? You could at least spell your insults right.
It's so easy to tweak things so that they fit within a limited horizon.
What wrong with this?! huh.gif
That it's used instead of proper education.
It's no use to discuss these matters with a religious fanatic, therefore: EOD.
I take it you believe that killing innocent babies is fair and ethical? This is why I call you retarted.
"Retarted", eh? You could at least spell your insults right.
It's so easy to tweak things so that they fit within a limited horizon.
What wrong with this?! huh.gif
That it's used instead of proper education.
It's no use to discuss these matters with a religious fanatic, therefore: EOD.
Religious fanatic?

Does it hurt to believe in God?
Edit: "no use to discuss these matters with a religious fanatic"? Sounds like the typical democrat

i'm a republican
I understand what flash_blub is saying.
btw, flash, keep your spelling in check
OKAAAYYY... something seems to have blown up out of proportion here.
Dave, you can’t call someone a retard. Firstly, it’s rude. You’re taking a disability and turning it into an insult. Take it back immediately.
Dave, you set this topic up as a debate, and now you start verbally attacking those who disagree with your point of view? Pull your head in. Not everyone thinks like you… that’s why there are discussions, to understand other people’s opinions. Not necessarily to accept them, but to hear them and accept that the world is not made up of just you.
Dave, no one here has said what type of religion they belong to. I have made a point of not liking really religious people, and further explained what I meant by this statement …. Yet I have not said what particular faith I belong to. No one in this topic has. Claiming that the people who have responded to your topic are all “god-less” is just not on. You have no evidence to base your claim on. You take that back and you apologize for making such a sweeping accusation.
Something you should know, I’m a bioethics tutor at a university. Abortion is a topic that people are very passionate about… on both sides of the debate. Name calling is not a way to promote your point of view on this topic. You’re prolife, woopy for you. You’re prochoice, woopy for you. Don’t start slapping each other because of it. Accept that people will disagree with you, if you have a valid to point to make, then make it. Act mature, don’t call each other names. Furthermore, I haven’t seen any post saying that someone is prochoice…. What I have seen are posts arguing the seemingly contradictory position Bush has taken in regards to life. Being prolife and being pro-war is a position that people will not accept easily. With the idea that being prolife is to preserve a life at all costs, for some people this ideal follows through to the entire lifespan, not just during conception and gestation. This is why people often don’t like wars. Dave, accept that people will disagree with you, your life will be much easier.
War is one thing, killing babies is another. I’m assuming that this is still on the topic of abortion. Yes, war is different to abortion. Killing babies is also different to abortion. Read above. People usually don’t like war. People especially don’t like this war… did you see world wide protests. Also, I have yet to meet someone who looks forward to having an abortion. I have issues with people liking these two topics together. One involves a personal decision that affects their life. The other is a public decision that effects countries, millions of people.
No morals whatsoever? Once again, what are you basing this on? Do you even know what the difference is between morals and ethics? Morals are personal, they reflect an individuals own understanding of what they consider acceptable in the world. Ethics are more far out reaching. Calling someone one amoral just because they don’t see the world in the same way you do, Dave, is not very nice. You should apologize for this as well.
This was supposed to be an open discussion on the American election. Keep it that way.
If the devil were running in the election, well, I’m sure he’d have a pretty good tax package and a great new health care scheme. But he’s not, so we’re discussing Bush and Kerry… and potentially the other people running the election, and I don’t know they’re names, so ...yeah anyway. Close minded, NOOOOOO. Just because I haven’t turned around and said, “Oh you’re so right, Bush is sooo lovely,” does not mean I’m close minded. Does not mean anyone on this forum is close minded. Also, Devil is not one of the names on the ballot sheet.
Reading Dave’s posts have given me the impression that he’s religious. Fine. I wouldn’t have called him a religious fanatic. He’s just probush, which is fine. He’s been sort of arguing why he’s proBush… mainly by pointing out Kerry’s faults, but that’s fine too. He’s prolife, Fine. He’s anti-gay marriage, well lots of people are. He hasn’t explained why he thinks this, but that’s fine too. It’s his life, he has to live it… not me. It’s his decision. Until the last few posts, I was enjoying this topic. It was interesting. Dave has not pushed his religion on anyone, as far as I can tell. I think Dave is not a fanatic, but I don’t know him well enough to be sure. I think that that was uncalled for… once again name calling is not very nice.
If you haven’t been bothered to read all of the above, sorry it’s so long. 1. Don’t call people names. 2. This is a discussion topic, not a wrestling ring.
Dave, you can’t call someone a retard. Firstly, it’s rude. You’re taking a disability and turning it into an insult. Take it back immediately.
Dave, you set this topic up as a debate, and now you start verbally attacking those who disagree with your point of view? Pull your head in. Not everyone thinks like you… that’s why there are discussions, to understand other people’s opinions. Not necessarily to accept them, but to hear them and accept that the world is not made up of just you.
Dave, no one here has said what type of religion they belong to. I have made a point of not liking really religious people, and further explained what I meant by this statement …. Yet I have not said what particular faith I belong to. No one in this topic has. Claiming that the people who have responded to your topic are all “god-less” is just not on. You have no evidence to base your claim on. You take that back and you apologize for making such a sweeping accusation.
Something you should know, I’m a bioethics tutor at a university. Abortion is a topic that people are very passionate about… on both sides of the debate. Name calling is not a way to promote your point of view on this topic. You’re prolife, woopy for you. You’re prochoice, woopy for you. Don’t start slapping each other because of it. Accept that people will disagree with you, if you have a valid to point to make, then make it. Act mature, don’t call each other names. Furthermore, I haven’t seen any post saying that someone is prochoice…. What I have seen are posts arguing the seemingly contradictory position Bush has taken in regards to life. Being prolife and being pro-war is a position that people will not accept easily. With the idea that being prolife is to preserve a life at all costs, for some people this ideal follows through to the entire lifespan, not just during conception and gestation. This is why people often don’t like wars. Dave, accept that people will disagree with you, your life will be much easier.
War is one thing, killing babies is another. I’m assuming that this is still on the topic of abortion. Yes, war is different to abortion. Killing babies is also different to abortion. Read above. People usually don’t like war. People especially don’t like this war… did you see world wide protests. Also, I have yet to meet someone who looks forward to having an abortion. I have issues with people liking these two topics together. One involves a personal decision that affects their life. The other is a public decision that effects countries, millions of people.
No morals whatsoever? Once again, what are you basing this on? Do you even know what the difference is between morals and ethics? Morals are personal, they reflect an individuals own understanding of what they consider acceptable in the world. Ethics are more far out reaching. Calling someone one amoral just because they don’t see the world in the same way you do, Dave, is not very nice. You should apologize for this as well.
This was supposed to be an open discussion on the American election. Keep it that way.
If the devil were running in the election, well, I’m sure he’d have a pretty good tax package and a great new health care scheme. But he’s not, so we’re discussing Bush and Kerry… and potentially the other people running the election, and I don’t know they’re names, so ...yeah anyway. Close minded, NOOOOOO. Just because I haven’t turned around and said, “Oh you’re so right, Bush is sooo lovely,” does not mean I’m close minded. Does not mean anyone on this forum is close minded. Also, Devil is not one of the names on the ballot sheet.
Reading Dave’s posts have given me the impression that he’s religious. Fine. I wouldn’t have called him a religious fanatic. He’s just probush, which is fine. He’s been sort of arguing why he’s proBush… mainly by pointing out Kerry’s faults, but that’s fine too. He’s prolife, Fine. He’s anti-gay marriage, well lots of people are. He hasn’t explained why he thinks this, but that’s fine too. It’s his life, he has to live it… not me. It’s his decision. Until the last few posts, I was enjoying this topic. It was interesting. Dave has not pushed his religion on anyone, as far as I can tell. I think Dave is not a fanatic, but I don’t know him well enough to be sure. I think that that was uncalled for… once again name calling is not very nice.
If you haven’t been bothered to read all of the above, sorry it’s so long. 1. Don’t call people names. 2. This is a discussion topic, not a wrestling ring.
Nicely put

I will actually agree with you on this

I believe that marrige is between a man a a woman.
Two different people types were made to be "bonded" together if you will.
I don't belive that two of the same sex should be connected in the was that a man or a woman would be connected.
What are your quick views vetticus?
Quickly....I think, IMO, that there is nothing wrong with gay marriage.
I don’t think that marriage is about finding a connection. Just looking back through history shows how marriages were arranged, that partners were picked because of their status, wealth, family connections, etc. Still today people get married for the wrong reasons. Kym, ( a girl I went to high school with) got married to her boyfriend so she could get a higher Youth Allowance payment. Marriage is, and always will be, a legal recognition of a partnership. Nothing more. Connections and bonds, IMO, tend to live outside the bounds of a piece of paper.
If two people do manage to find a connection, and are willing to share their lives together, then there are no reasons why this connection shouldn’t be legally recognized. I think this should extend to everyone. If you’re lucky enough to find this connection, regardless if it’s a man or woman, then you should have all the legal rights and obligations that come attached with it.
This is my opinion only.
Bush Won!
Wow, I'm happy
Congrats on the win.
Have to add this, congrats to Bush for winning the presidential election for the first time.

Have to add this, congrats to Bush for winning the presidential election for the first time.

I glad you atleast congratulated him

There's some people that I know that say "Bush is a jerk, Kerry really won

Good call vetticus