Presidential Election - Let the polls begin! (Oct/12/2004 )
I'm not sure how Vetticus will answer that question, but for me, the "really" religious people are people who I find out are religious within a week of getting to know them. I know other people who are religous but I never get to find out until over a year later of befriending them. They like to keep anything religion-related to themselves, and that I think is a very courteous thing to do - besides, if someone speaks religion these days, they're most likely going to offend someone! My golden rule to remember
it's not necessarily finding out about it... if a person comes out straight away with their faith, that can be cool. it's the fever, and the intensity that they have for it. it's one thing to be proud that that have faith in X, and they like to talk to someone about it... being "reallly religious" is when it becomes such a huge factor that it overtakes every aspect of their life, and starts to strangle that person inside who had flaws and faults, just like everyone else, and then turns them into superman, who is incapable to doing anything wrong because god is on their side. these people try to make themselves appear better than everyone else, because they belong to religion X. i wouldn't even say these people have faith.
in my own experience, which is mainly with christians, when someone first finds their faith, they tend to talk about it alot. they're happy, the've got these new friends, they're into nylon string guitars, they've just bought this christian rock CD, and say "god bless you" with everything... after a while, they're back to normal, just busy on a sunday morning... well, soughta ned flandersish.
but, some use their belifs as an excuse to belittle and undermine other people. everything you do is wrong. god talks to them. every other faith is wrong, and everyone else is going to burn in hell. but they say every word dripped with saccrine. they're politely sticking you with a knife.
it's the difference between going to dinner with a vegetarian, who just excuses themselves from tasting you're surf and turf politely, from a vegetarian who takes out pictures from inside the slaughterhouse and yells "murderer!!" when you bite into a t-bone.
with the first, you can ask, why , how long, how's it been, do you miss....
with the other... run and hide.
does that explain it?
Oh well... everyone has there opinions....

in what way do you disagree?
there also has to be more reasons why you're voting bush, besides his prolife stance and how he made iraq into lovely holiday destination
there has to be more to it than that...
Bush has more plans for tax cuts and small buisiness relief

ooooooooooooooook, that was an insightful comment. It's impossible to carry on an intelligent debate on this forum, about anything

Kerry says, and I quote, "Small buisinesses, we're comming after YOU!"
He's really going to destroy the U.S. ecomomy and buisiness operation.
you almost make me want to pull out facts and figures just to show you how laughable you're conviction into bush is.
basically, bush has a history of being really bad at cash management.
his tax policies favour the rich, though spin doctors and clever statistics make it seem as though everyone gets 'em.
when he was govenor, he ran the budget into the ground.
when he was pretending to be an entrepreniur (sp? i can't be bothered checking it)..... he stuffed up business after business .... he just had daddy to pick up the pieces, and few really influential friends to buy him out when things looked really grim.
if you want to know what my credentials are for these statements... well, i've got a bachelors degree in economics and banking finance (took it before deciding to go into science). i actually understand financial statements. i actually get fiscal policy, and i wouldn't trust this guy with my wallet let alone the nations (the world biggest economy!!!).
if you persist, i'll find the quotes that back up what i've just written. it's all in black and white somewhere, just not at my fingertips at the moment.
before 9/11, everyone was complaining about this guy.... the economy is soo bad etc. 9/11...hey he's popular. and he's using that angle over and over again. he didn't win the election the first time round.... FOR A REASON, he's not good enough for the job. he was pine-ing (sp? once again i don't care) for a war, he backed down from picking with china, 'cause they would have kicked the US in the arse. so, he started one on a poor little country, afghanastan (sp?)... popularity increased.... let's start another war.... iraq.... and he's still fricken popular.
i dont' like his beady little eyes either.
and didn't he cheat on a couple of the debates (feeding him the answers though a box on his back?).... CHEATERS SHOULD NOT BE REWARDED!! chearters should not be allowed to enter an election
in other news, i just gave my seminar...
Hope your seminar went well.
I am not a US citizen and have no right to vote. In my opinion, if you love America, vote for Kerry, if you hate America, vote for Bush because he will do more harm than good to America.
yeah, my seminar did go well... didn't faint, didnt' throw up.... all good signs