Conflict between labmates - how should i solve it? (Nov/06/2007 )
Conflict in the work place is unfortunately inevitable considering that we all have different personalities, expectations, principles in life etc. that’s why we usually end up having a lot of trade-offs. Do you want to work in peace…well there's always a price to pay whether it is to compromise, to suck it up or to go with the flow or you can take matters into your hands (esp when you have PIs who don't want to get involved with "people issues") and go to work everyday in full armour on battle gear you take your pick. But in some cases the wait and see strategy (watchful waiting) usually works out and the problem resolves by itself (or the jerks finally leave). There are times howvere when you have to do something really drastic so the other person would never forget the message (I may have done this a couple of times...after much provocation I swear )
tissue culture rooms should ALWAYS have the door closed. it doesn't matter if the room feels like a sauna, the door must be closed.
although the laminar hood is useful, it does not prevent contamination in cell culture.
ideally, you should use a specific lab coat for cell culture. the coat should be kept separate from all other experiments.
gloves should cover the cuffs of the lab coat. no bare skin at all in the hood. everything sprayed with 70% ethanol. iodine wash, and bleach after.
furthermore, bacteria should never be used in the same centrifuge that cells are spun in. (not sure if this was mentioned, but it's been an issue in my lab).
simply have a lab manager who is quite strick with adherence to lab rules. if the door is left open where i work, we get in trouble.
this should not be a personal issue. this is a lab matter, and the person is not following lab rules. kick him out of the tissue culture room if necessary.
breaking the rules as i type (no lab coat and fabric shoes... take that lab manager.)
V aka rebel without a lab coat
Make strange notes on your bottels and tell him, that only you know what is inside and that he is possibly ruining is experiment by accidently taking the wrong bottle.
I feel lucky 'cause people in my lab are fine
@ sumpf : nice idea, but in this way, you let the bad guy taking advantage on you because it's you who have to make an effort (code the writings) in order to be in peace. So this is not a good solution in the "philosophical" way.
Off topic : What means PI (okay I doubt it is the boss, but what does the letters stand for ?)
principal investigator

@ sumpf : nice idea, but in this way, you let the bad guy taking advantage on you because it's you who have to make an effort (code the writings) in order to be in peace. So this is not a good solution in the "philosophical" way.
Off topic : What means PI (okay I doubt it is the boss, but what does the letters stand for ?)
PI = Propidium Iodide, Principle Investigator, Primary Investigator. . . and so many. There is one thread under
although the laminar hood is useful, it does not prevent contamination in cell culture.
ideally, you should use a specific lab coat for cell culture. the coat should be kept separate from all other experiments.
gloves should cover the cuffs of the lab coat. no bare skin at all in the hood. everything sprayed with 70% ethanol. iodine wash, and bleach after.
furthermore, bacteria should never be used in the same centrifuge that cells are spun in. (not sure if this was mentioned, but it's been an issue in my lab).
simply have a lab manager who is quite strick with adherence to lab rules. if the door is left open where i work, we get in trouble.
this should not be a personal issue. this is a lab matter, and the person is not following lab rules. kick him out of the tissue culture room if necessary.
breaking the rules as i type (no lab coat and fabric shoes... take that lab manager.)
V aka rebel without a lab coat
There is somebody else on here that talks some common sense, I endorse all your comments.
Well done Vetticus3
Regards from the pom land
I can tell you that opening the door into a positive pressured cell culture room WILL increase 0.5um circulating air particle counts from 4 particles/liter to 850 particles/liter and thats within an ISO class 7 facility.
If you want more specific data I can get that for you.
Disposable lab coats or sleeve covers are very useful for tissue culture.
Student workers who can not follow common lab courtesy should be spoken to be the lab manager and if it does not improve they need to be fired.
In any work place (where there are people) there is expected to be some conflict but a hostile work environment is not.
I have never been interested in the work place drama "thing" but it frustrates me when it prevents the work from being done properly. Honestly, nothing I've heard about was that interesting anyway.
thanks guys.........
he still doesn't talk to me till now. anyway, i know that my concious is clear.... maybe talk to him aft some time.
I like Minnie Mouse's idea: ask him to do tissue culture work. But i don't think that will happen.
Hmm, as for Kooothor's suggestion.... err, I don't hate him that much till i wish him dead. He is actually quite a nice friend (when he is reasonable).
Thanks, Lost in the lab. I didn't hv any cake on my birthday. Instead, I need to renew my passport, but left one of the original document in my homwtown. In the end, me and my friend drove 3 hrs back to hometown and drove another 3 hrs back to lab. So basically, i spend my birthday sitting in car. after we got back, still need to rush to lab. By the time i reach home... i sleep like a dead pig.
Ha, i spend my birthday breaking my own record. My friends all feel amazed!!!!
Six hours together with a friend. . lucky you.