Conflict between labmates - how should i solve it? (Nov/06/2007 )
I once faced some problem with my tissue culture work. My other labmates who are not doing cell culture work always go in and out of my lab and messed up the lab. Also, introduce some risk of contamination in cell culture lab.
I tried to reason out with them, they told me there is not such thing. Cell culture lab do not need to keep the door shut as we do our culture work in laminar flow. He always open the door widely to let the cold air out fr cell culture lab -- their lab's air conditioner broken down and fridges there always over temperature. When i told him not to do that, cause it'll bring dust and all contaminant into lab. Their reason is their samples in fridge outside is more important, however, things in cell culture lab only belongs to few of us... He even raise his voice and ask me to bring this issue to our PI (coz he is so confident that our PI will side him).
We have no choice but to tell our PI. Coz it is so hard to convince him the definition of "clean room". I post a question in Bioforum, ask all those who do cell culture work, how their lab practice "clean room", and send the link to him. To let him see how other people do cell work. I'm not the only one being so fussy.
In the end, our PI agree with us and do not allow anyone to open cell culture door, no matter how hot and stuffy outside.
He now is angry with us. we didn't back stabbing him. But he doesn't want to talk to us, or confront us to know the truth or the whole story. He just ignore and angry with us. Talk to other people in other lab as if we are wrong.
The problem is, HE is the one suggest to bring this matter to our PI. We don't like the idea of telling our PI at the 1st place, but he is too stubborn to listen to us. So, besides our PI, who can we turn to? If he is reasonable enough, we would have settle it long before.
I tried to talk to him, but he is cold to me. We know each other since undergrads... now become like this because such a small matter. I don't understand why he is so childish and can't solve this in a proffessional way.
We remember your story from last time. It sounds like it has taken an unfortunate turn. There is a problem in the person himself; so U cannot do much. U say he is childish but that is not being childish, his attitude is not good at all. If he were a child then there could have some chance of working things out but a Graduate with such attitude problem is not good for anyone.
U have already tired talking. I am sure there are seniors in the forum and they must have seen such situation many times and they will help U solve it. All I wanted to say is, whatever he is should not induce the same feeling in you. U r a student of science and U should not let anger take over your mind no matter how others are. Don't change your attitude towards him because he changed. Have a good reason and peer reviewed evidence before you change yourself.
Hope things work out.
just because a person is smart or good at their job does not guarantee they are a nice person. i think you are being too forgiving here - this other person sounds like a bully - arrogant and self centered till challenged then sulks like a baby. my advice is to carry on with your life until they come round and either apologise or at least make a sign of peace. until then they are not worth your time.
be strong and i hope it works out
Just kill him !
Who has the smartest way of killing?
Pour some chemicals in his food.
Harmful chemicals are not difficult to find.
I heard an injection of KCl will cause a heart attack and death- but it will be very difficult to get him with the needle!!! Maybe when he is concentrating at the microscope or something??? hehehehehe
On a more serious note, we are having some issues with a new student in our lab as well. He is VERY selfish, lazy and takes short cuts all the time, causing us to be very wary of anything that he has made/touched/looked at......
And today the idiot used up my tissue culture media- without even asking if he could borrow some!!! SO infuriating!!!
Given that we can't get rid of him (unfortunately the "big" boss won't let us), I don't know what to do.
Everytime I make an effort and think I have got through to him, he goes and does something unbelievably rude like use up the last of something and not tell anyone, or email me to order something for him when he sits less than 5 metres from my desk........
may be he has some personal life problem that he is not able to tackle and instead pouring his frustration on U. Poor guy! My sympathy.
You are very compassionate, Bungalow Boy
My patience is wearing very thin, I have just noticed that he left our frozen stocks of antibiotics on the bench overnight, together with a contaminated beaker of LB, and left the tap dripping so I now have to clean up a massive puddle of water on the floor.......
Maybe we could send him to you? hehehehe
Ah, I'll get over it
On a more serious note, we are having some issues with a new student in our lab as well. He is VERY selfish, lazy and takes short cuts all the time, causing us to be very wary of anything that he has made/touched/looked at......
And today the idiot used up my tissue culture media- without even asking if he could borrow some!!! SO infuriating!!!
Given that we can't get rid of him (unfortunately the "big" boss won't let us), I don't know what to do.
Everytime I make an effort and think I have got through to him, he goes and does something unbelievably rude like use up the last of something and not tell anyone, or email me to order something for him when he sits less than 5 metres from my desk........
I don't think its personal problems- as there must be alot of them in the world! I've also had people like that in previous labs, it drove me up the wall with the selfishness, arrogant attitudes and especially using up the last of things and using your own stuff without asking

We tried everything- including getting the 'big boss' to speak to them about it, which worked for a couple of months at a time. We coped by extended coffee and cake sessions and group anger management therapy (usually in the pub on a Friday night) with those that were affected (the rest of the lab). Having other people in the same boat really helped.
On the first matter raised- sanjiun81. You've done nothing wrong and everything that he asked you to do (by bringing it to the attention of the PI), so the problems lie fully on his side. It must be hard as you sounded like friends before the childish attitude started. Just be yourself and maybe the sulking will stop and things will be back to normal soon.
Here's to nice labmates and spirit of friendships across the world (and if that fails- group sessions on here for solving the worlds problems)
PS Have a happy and stress free birthday- eat cake and be happy for today at least