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How to store PAGE gel and keep the bands after gel is run? - (Aug/10/2006 )

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so, I am back today

the gel still looks fine; it has been in water for almost three weeks total in the fridge


btw, viv, I'm a gal ohmy.gif


QUOTE (aimikins @ Aug 21 2006, 11:47 PM)
btw, viv, I'm a gal ohmy.gif

pleasure is mine.......................... wink.gif

and good that your gel is for the paper, good luck

- viv


[quote name='aimikins' date='Aug 10 2006, 10:27 AM' post='63496']
Does anyone have experience with this?

So our digital imaging system is down, for an unspecified time period...I am about to go on vacation...I have a gel (standard 12% PAGE) that I REALLY need to photograph. It has been sitting in water in the 4C for 9 days (since the imager went down). I will be gone for 10 days. is it OK to just leave it in the fridge? will the bands still show up after a total of about 3 weeks?

I am considering placing it in 1X running buffer...has anyone tried this before?

thanks for any replies
i left my gel in distilled water form 3/10/05 to uptill now at 4 degree .we just store the gel.
i could still see my bands.


QUOTE (fozia @ Sep 10 2006, 11:51 PM)
i left my gel in distilled water form 3/10/05 to uptill now at 4 degree .we just store the gel.
i could still see my bands.

Just curious
Are the bands diffuse?
Please take a photo of your gel and share it with us.

Thanks in advance.

-Minnie Mouse-

hey, soaking the gel in H2O will allow the growth of microbes even though it is put at 4oC. The usual practise in my lab is to soak SDS-PAGE gels in 1% acetic acid at 4oC. This can preserve the gel forever (in theory). However, if you want to excise a band from the gel for digestion of other thing else, you need to wash the gel in H2O twice first. tongue.gif


We always just scan the gel (protect the scanner with plastic files)
it's easy, u don't need to dry your gel......


im using silver staining.. it become darker before it doc.. how can i store


I have a ran gel that i packed in a plastic bag filled with distilled water and after a week or so the gel there were obvious spots of precipitate present on the gel. I have yet to document the gel so I was wondering if anyone of you have suggestions on how i can get rid of those spots.

Would re-staining and/or destaining help? My staining solution is a coomassie stain whereas my destaining solution is just distilled water.




QUOTE (sandeu @ Oct 6 2007, 10:37 PM)
I have a ran gel that i packed in a plastic bag filled with distilled water and after a week or so the gel there were obvious spots of precipitate present on the gel. I have yet to document the gel so I was wondering if anyone of you have suggestions on how i can get rid of those spots.

Would re-staining and/or destaining help? My staining solution is a coomassie stain whereas my destaining solution is just distilled water.


is your coomassie stain in methanol/acetic acid?

you can destain further with methanol/acetic acid (30/5%).

if the spots are at the surface then you may be able to wipe them away with a kimwipe soaked in destaining solution (while the gel is submerged in destaining solution).


I think i have a better way. I kept my runned gel in normal water and kept for months and the bands are still clearly there.


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