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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Electrophoresis
91. what is your DNA concentration after gel extraction? - (reply: 5)
92. RNase h electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
93. Using 4-year old precast gels - (reply: 4)
94. Why do supposedly sharp bands sometimes appear unclear in agarose gel? - (reply: 1)
95. Using out-dated equipment to image agarose gel samples-help - (reply: 1)
96. Proteins below 60 kDa not resolving in SDS-PAGE!! - (reply: 1)
97. No bands appearing in DNA gel electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
98. White big cloud in agar gel electrophoresis - (reply: 13)
99. Denaturing agent Acrylamide-bisacruylamide gel - (reply: 6)
100. Vertical agarose gel electrophoresis for DNA - (reply: 1)
101. strange bands shape agarose gel - (reply: 2)
102. Ladders not resolving on agarose gel - (reply: 6)
103. how to dissolve Polyacrylamide gel? - (reply: 8)
104. Can we use denatured DNA standards on RNA formamide gels - (reply: 2)
105. Is that a Plasmid??? - (reply: 5)
106. Is there an optimum % agarose or... "more is better"? - (reply: 2)
107. Western Blotting Resolving Problem - (reply: 3)
108. RNA electrophoresis - (reply: 4)
109. precipitates in 50X TAE - (reply: 2)
110. SDS-PAGE running conditions - (reply: 1)
111. SB buffer and agarose: Fragments less than 100 bp - (reply: 1)
112. My protein samples are running abnormally on a SDS PAGE - (reply: 3)
113. silver staining- lanes are smeared - (reply: 6)
114. PEG 8000 precipitation/ gel electrophoresis - (reply: 5)
115. huge dot appears at the centre of every of my bands - (reply: 2)
116. DNA Electrophoresis and SB (sodium borate) Buffer - (reply: 3)
117. help needed in determining volume of cells to be seeded - (reply: 6)
118. Do we really need to do protein quantification - (reply: 4)
119. syto9 for DNA gel electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
120. Help with DNA acrylamide gel - leaking and errors during gel running - (reply: 4)

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