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Discovering Antarctica - marine biologist wants to go to Antarctica (Jul/22/2009 )

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casandra on Jul 28 2009, 06:15 AM said:

BB-san....I have neither been one of them nor the other "them".....I've always been one of "us"....the "himes....or, why couldn't we all be citizens of the earth....:) does one work for google, btw...

why just earth . . let that be the entire universe - there are some aliens amongst us.

working for google : like when I ask information of something in google, there must be someone in there answering the question. U seem to know everything of everywhere.

Ana C on Jul 28 2009, 05:08 PM said:

Of course I'll send you postcards! In fact, I can also send postcards from Brussels if you'd like. By the way, do you know "postcrossing"?:

You subscribe and you can exchange postcards with the world!!!! I'm there (my nick is zebrazuli). I haven't been active lately (PhD obligations), but I love the concept.

Ice cream with warm chocolate cake.... yummyyyyy!


ummm, I am not that social to be exchanging postcards in postcrossing but someone in Antartica would be really cool.

Ur fren in this antratica prog is the problem. Those who voted for him would have voted for you otherwise :P


Nabi on Jul 28 2009, 08:55 AM said:

casandra on Jul 28 2009, 06:15 AM said:

BB-san....I have neither been one of them nor the other "them".....I've always been one of "us"....the "himes....or, why couldn't we all be citizens of the earth....:) does one work for google, btw...

why just earth . . let that be the entire universe - there are some aliens amongst us.

working for google : like when I ask information of something in google, there must be someone in there answering the question. U seem to know everything of everywhere.

:P...cos I can google, that's why....but you've got a point...citizens of the entire universe sounds better...

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