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Where might they be? - Casandra and Hobglobin (Jun/21/2009 )

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Dominic on Jul 1 2009, 08:11 AM said:

i thought you two had booked a hotel room and were "getting to know each other"

thank god for "do not disturb" signs eh?

hey dom...I suspected it was you who came back...what with the wry and often mean one-liner replies :lol: but I wasn't sure cos the wizard's missing (plus the DOM)- the new one looks weirder than ever...

and oh yeah, thank heavens for the "come back in three weeks" sign....<sigh> :P

nice that you're finally here so a welcome back to you too..


gebirgsziege on Jul 1 2009, 02:27 AM said:

casandra on Jun 30 2009, 09:38 PM said:

Nabi on Jun 30 2009, 03:32 PM said:

We were all going through a tough, stressful withdrawl effect of the sudden break in the entertainment we were addicted to. Imagine the impact it might have had on our innocent brains. U 2 cannot be forgiven without answering questions from us

>> Just tell us, U 2 were not taken to any planet outside the solar system or this galaxy. Outside that, we should start preparing for a revenge.

Revenge :P ...but why? You shld actually be rewarding or rather bribing us for coming back....where else can you get free G-rated entertainment? And when are we gonna get "our" entertainment? Nobody even wants to post one beautiful image in my thread <I'm gonna start pouting now>.....

Sorry for that....I have lots of pictures but I have to reduce size...otherwise the big panda will get carnivourus :lol:

hey gebZ...I think I'd already have my first-born (or run my first perfect gel) before you ever post any pics... :D take your time...regards...


casandra on Jul 1 2009, 02:39 PM said:

gebirgsziege on Jul 1 2009, 02:27 AM said:

casandra on Jun 30 2009, 09:38 PM said:

Nabi on Jun 30 2009, 03:32 PM said:

We were all going through a tough, stressful withdrawl effect of the sudden break in the entertainment we were addicted to. Imagine the impact it might have had on our innocent brains. U 2 cannot be forgiven without answering questions from us

>> Just tell us, U 2 were not taken to any planet outside the solar system or this galaxy. Outside that, we should start preparing for a revenge.

Revenge :o ...but why? You shld actually be rewarding or rather bribing us for coming back....where else can you get free G-rated entertainment? And when are we gonna get "our" entertainment? Nobody even wants to post one beautiful image in my thread <I'm gonna start pouting now>.....

Sorry for that....I have lots of pictures but I have to reduce size...otherwise the big panda will get carnivourus ;)

hey gebZ...I think I'd already have my first-born (or run my first perfect gel) before you ever post any pics... :D take your time...regards...

this is what we say here (literal translation): children come when you are hurrying ;)

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