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Where might they be? - Casandra and Hobglobin (Jun/21/2009 )

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hobglobin on Jun 30 2009, 03:56 PM said:

Nabi on Jun 30 2009, 09:32 PM said:

We were all going through a tough, stressful withdrawl effect of the sudden break in the entertainment we were addicted to. Imagine the impact it might have had on our innocent brains. U 2 cannot be forgiven without answering questions from us

>> Just tell us, U 2 were not taken to any planet outside the solar system or this galaxy. Outside that, we should start preparing for a revenge.

Perhaps we were taken by a hideous and hairy aliens -Vogon-like- . Finally we could escape (or I escaped and freed casandra :wacko: ). But it was soo bloody and cruel and weird, we needed a nice and relaxing holiday in Hawaii afterwards and not the quote thread labour. Think of that.

well excusez moi.....I never play the damsel in distress routine :)...besides, how could you rescue me- you were always so we skipped the alien abduction and went straight to Hawaii and of course freed from the quote slave labour.... :lol: ...


casandra on Jun 30 2009, 10:02 PM said:

hobglobin on Jun 30 2009, 03:56 PM said:

Nabi on Jun 30 2009, 09:32 PM said:

We were all going through a tough, stressful withdrawl effect of the sudden break in the entertainment we were addicted to. Imagine the impact it might have had on our innocent brains. U 2 cannot be forgiven without answering questions from us

>> Just tell us, U 2 were not taken to any planet outside the solar system or this galaxy. Outside that, we should start preparing for a revenge.

Perhaps we were taken by a hideous and hairy aliens -Vogon-like- . Finally we could escape (or I escaped and freed casandra :wacko: ). But it was soo bloody and cruel and weird, we needed a nice and relaxing holiday in Hawaii afterwards and not the quote thread labour. Think of that.

well excusez moi.....I never play the damsel in distress routine :)...besides, how could you rescue me- you were always so we skipped the alien abduction and went straight to Hawaii and of course freed from the quote slave labour.... :lol: ...

well excusez moi. Perhaps you played wonder woman and saved me from signing a working contract with a coal (or uranium?) mine in north north Canada (where they only speak french) :lol: ...


hobglobin on Jun 30 2009, 04:11 PM said:

casandra on Jun 30 2009, 10:02 PM said:

hobglobin on Jun 30 2009, 03:56 PM said:

Nabi on Jun 30 2009, 09:32 PM said:

We were all going through a tough, stressful withdrawl effect of the sudden break in the entertainment we were addicted to. Imagine the impact it might have had on our innocent brains. U 2 cannot be forgiven without answering questions from us

>> Just tell us, U 2 were not taken to any planet outside the solar system or this galaxy. Outside that, we should start preparing for a revenge.

Perhaps we were taken by a hideous and hairy aliens -Vogon-like- . Finally we could escape (or I escaped and freed casandra :lol: ). But it was soo bloody and cruel and weird, we needed a nice and relaxing holiday in Hawaii afterwards and not the quote thread labour. Think of that.

well excusez moi.....I never play the damsel in distress routine :)...besides, how could you rescue me- you were always so we skipped the alien abduction and went straight to Hawaii and of course freed from the quote slave labour.... :lol: ...

well excusez moi. Perhaps you played wonder woman and saved me from signing a working contract with a coal (or uranium?) mine in north north Canada (where they only speak french) ;) ...

well, excusez moi again...but north north north Canada is only for the tough and the brave...and it's too cold up there that you could hardly speak without your tongue getting frozen..., you will never be offered a contract there in the first place :wacko:...we better stick to our Hawaii "story"...


Hawaii.... I see. SO thats why North Korea said it had missiles that could reach there.... It all becomes clear now :)
Welcome back you guys! We've missed you.



Did they say that . .. how stupid of them to just propose a project and not run a test.

we could well have seen some earth-saving (read : Hawaii-saving) action live in local sports channel.


LostintheLab on Jun 30 2009, 08:12 PM said:

Hawaii.... I see. SO thats why North Korea said it had missiles that could reach there.... It all becomes clear now :P
Welcome back you guys! We've missed you.


But we're invincible!!!! :D .......

Thanks, Lost...glad to be back too SO.....crazy days are here again...... :lol:

whatever you're doing- gambatte kudasai....and that cold soba dish should be soo good to eat right now..


casandra on Jul 1 2009, 11:58 AM said:

LostintheLab on Jun 30 2009, 08:12 PM said:

Hawaii.... I see. SO thats why North Korea said it had missiles that could reach there.... It all becomes clear now :P
Welcome back you guys! We've missed you.


But we're invincible!!!! :D .......

Thanks, Lost...glad to be back too SO.....crazy days are here again...... :lol:

whatever you're doing- gambatte kudasai....and that cold soba dish should be soo good to eat right now..

Which outfit are you wearing- the Greek goddess sword weilding hero or the caped one?

Thanks- Gambarre masu! I will try hard at sitting at my desk procrastinating.
The cold soba dish is very nice to eat just now, though its cooled down after last weeks heatwave...


casandra on Jul 1 2009, 11:58 AM said:

But we're invincible!!!! :P .......

Thanks, Lost...glad to be back too SO.....crazy days are here again...... :lol:

whatever you're doing- gambatte kudasai....and that cold soba dish should be soo good to eat right now..

U mean this ?

U r not related to 'Monkey Majik' in anyways, are you?


casandra on Jun 30 2009, 09:38 PM said:

Nabi on Jun 30 2009, 03:32 PM said:

We were all going through a tough, stressful withdrawl effect of the sudden break in the entertainment we were addicted to. Imagine the impact it might have had on our innocent brains. U 2 cannot be forgiven without answering questions from us

>> Just tell us, U 2 were not taken to any planet outside the solar system or this galaxy. Outside that, we should start preparing for a revenge.

Revenge :P ...but why? You shld actually be rewarding or rather bribing us for coming back....where else can you get free G-rated entertainment? And when are we gonna get "our" entertainment? Nobody even wants to post one beautiful image in my thread <I'm gonna start pouting now>.....

Sorry for that....I have lots of pictures but I have to reduce size...otherwise the big panda will get carnivourus :lol:


i thought you two had booked a hotel room and were "getting to know each other"

thank god for "do not disturb" signs eh?

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