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current impact factor list? - (Feb/23/2009 )

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Well, I'll answer my own question :lol: .
In was told that PLOS One was still too young.


Microbes and Environment (website) isnt in the list either , anyone an idea why?

Is it possible its too small or not well known?

It seems a big journal in japan?


One question for those who review articles. Do you take the journal (and its IP) into consideration?
I asked because I reviewed an average paper recently. It was OK (but only OK) and I accepted it with revisions. Much later (and thanks to this topic), I found out that the journal in which this paper had been submitted had a pretty high impact factor. I wonder if I should have accepted the paper now. I don't think it was interesting enough to go in such a high ranked journal.


Maddie on Dec 1 2009, 11:46 AM said:

One question for those who review articles. Do you take the journal (and its IP) into consideration?
I asked because I reviewed an average paper recently. It was OK (but only OK) and I accepted it with revisions. Much later (and thanks to this topic), I found out that the journal in which this paper had been submitted had a pretty high impact factor. I wonder if I should have accepted the paper now. I don't think it was interesting enough to go in such a high ranked journal.

i think you should review papers on their own merits. the publication (and its impact factor) should not be part of your review process (let the editors worry about that). what you did was fine.


Really? OK good. So why don't I feel good about it?
Ah well, the authors of this one got lucky :rolleyes:


Haa PLOS One now has an impact factor: 4.351. Not bad he?? B)


Maddie on Tue Jul 27 19:52:02 2010 said:

Haa PLOS One now has an impact factor: 4.351. Not bad he?? B)

Well, quite good for not such a good journal! :D


Anyone know why the impact factor is different in several versions (different source) of the same year?


I can not find an evidence any where to Impact factor 4.351 for PLOS ONE... If anyone knows it, please post it here. It is very important for me.


raks-columbia on Tue Aug 17 16:37:42 2010 said:

I can not find an evidence any where to Impact factor 4.351 for PLOS ONE... If anyone knows it, please post it here. It is very important for me.

If you write in google "plos one impact factor" you will get it

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