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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Paper-and-Grant-Writing--Publishing-and-Presentation
1. About the order of corresponding authors (2 c.a.) - (reply: 11)
2. What does "Under Editorial Consideration" mean? - (reply: 2)
3. Using My Protocol and Cells - (reply: 2)
4. same loading control for different figures? - (reply: 3)
5. proposal - (reply: 2)
6. When the first author is deceased before publication - (reply: 3)
7. How to convince reviewers to accept article - (reply: 7)
8. patents - (reply: 6)
9. solid research papers? - (reply: 3)
10. Need help in editor's comments - (reply: 7)
11. Academics protest against Elsevier's business practices - (reply: 1)
12. Total time required for a manuscript to be accepted? - (reply: 1)
13. Optimisation of immunofluorescence staining images on Powerpoint slides - (reply: 1)
14. importance of published articles - (reply: 9)
15. HELP: Recommended journals on endothelial or blood research - (reply: 2)
16. Noob asking about writing a review article - (reply: 3)
17. paper in Int J Oncol - (reply: 3)
18. how to cite this - (reply: 4)
19. how to hold a lab meeting - (reply: 2)
20. Co-author in big paper vs first author in not-so-big paper - (reply: 3)
21. How did you write your PhD thesis (practically) - (reply: 7)
22. Low morale after receiving reviewer's comments - (reply: 3)
23. Publisher suggestions - Need opinion about where to submit (reply: 4)
24. Cell drawing tools? - (reply: 6)
25. paper request - Stem Cells and Development (Mary Ann Liebert)! (reply: 1)
26. references in Endnote - urgent (reply: 2)
27. Online journal club? - (reply: 1)
28. Having a paper translated from a foreign language - (reply: 3)
29. 1 Big paper vs 2 smaller papers - (reply: 4)
30. thesis help - (reply: 1)

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