PhD Viva Freak Out - (Jul/09/2012 )
goog luck for your viva!
Thank you
I have this one chapter where it is a lot of results but both me and my supervisor are not entirely sure about the significance. Is it alright to ask for examiners' opinion about all the data, since it is a discussion...that particular chapter is more open-ended, and it's a minor topic of my thesis.
so it has come to my last day of viva preparation. Istill don't know if I have prepared enough...I feel confident about my work while understanding where the weaknessesof each results chapters are....and ways to carry the research for the next student.
I really feel I have done my best and that I can't really do better....just anxious that I will have a hard time answering questions
Tomorrow shall be a chill day where I don't think of my work.....hmm maybe go to an art gallery or something
relaxing is a good idea!
good luck for your viva.
So I just had my viva a week back, and PASSED with minor corrections It was over 3-hrs long, but I felt it was more of a discussion rather than a Q&A. Towards the end we were running out of time and had to rush a few chapters. I am glad I was freaking out and hence over-prepared, because even the stuff I studied was not asked directly, I was able to expand on my thoughts from reading up things covered in my thesis.
I got my corrections back and one of the most challenging for me was that I used some figures from publications, and, even though I referenced them, my examiners requested that I make sure the copyright issue has been sorted out. They specifically mentioned that ASM has these "copyright-free" figures....and that other journals have the same policy...
Does anyone know about this? Most of my figures were referenced from publications and I do not want to redraw them....I am beginning to feel that asking the authors for permission would be easier, even though I have a large number of contacts I need to request...
Pseudopneumo on Thu Aug 2 22:20:55 2012 said:
So I just had my viva a week back, and PASSED with minor corrections

I got my corrections back and one of the most challenging for me was that I used some figures from publications, and, even though I referenced them, my examiners requested that I make sure the copyright issue has been sorted out. They specifically mentioned that ASM has these "copyright-free" figures....and that other journals have the same policy...
Does anyone know about this? Most of my figures were referenced from publications and I do not want to redraw them....I am beginning to feel that asking the authors for permission would be easier, even though I have a large number of contacts I need to request...

The authors dont have the rights for the images (only in rare cases this is the case). The owners are the journals. And almost all journals will let you use those pictures for free if you are using them in a thesis. All you need to do is answer some questions and that is it.
For example, science direct: if you look for an article there, you will find this "
thank you! All corrections have now been addressed and thesis submitted Thanks to all those who have responded to this thread