PhD Viva Freak Out - (Jul/09/2012 )
I know this topic has been posted already, and I apologize in advance for the self-absorption of this post, but....
My PhD viva is coming up in about 3 weeks...I am completely freaking out. I have two supervisors. One I could not really depend on as much basically throughout my PhD years (because he had been giving me outright wrong facts and suggestions basically on every aspect from scientific knowledge to administrative paperwork, etc), and he did not read my thesis. The other is a very respected figure in his field and has much experience in PhD students. He single-handedly helped on providing valuable comments on my thesis and is very pleased with the final product and thinks I would have no problem. He also said because I had some publications I have nothing to worry about.
However, I am worried about not bring able to elaborate some of the points in the thesis, mostly introduction chapter where the beginning sections have little to do with my main focus. I freak about examiners asking me specific references that I now find so hard to absorb.
I suppose I just would like some encouragements and guidance as to how to cope during this time. I feel awful and hopeless
Thank you so much for listening.
everything will turn out fine - and freaking out is normal
you should mainly feel confident about your work, what you did (methods, background, hypothesis), how you did it, your results and most important why you concluded what. Usually you will not be asked details about other peoples papers, so do not worry too much about this
and one good supervisor (as far as you described the person as respected and helpful) is enough (and better than two average) and several PhDs don't even have one...a second good is luxury and so you shouldn't complain but accept this.
Good luck and don't panic.
I added Absolute Vodka to my water bottle and took it to my Viva, and I talked like I could be a candidate to replace Steve Jobs
Curtis on Thu Jul 12 04:10:35 2012 said:
I added Absolute Vodka to my water bottle and took it to my Viva, and I talked like I could be a candidate to replace Steve Jobs

thanks guy for the comments.....right now I am trying to read the thesis and I found numerous little mistakes here and there.....
do not worry, that happened to all of us who already have survived (incl your profs) - and will happen to all of those still writing
Sorry for being so nagging about this but
I realized that I might have put in the wrong references in some statements as well...yikes...I hope that those being in the introduction would not be as affecting as if the references were messed up in the results chapters.
Also, would one recommend typing up a list of corrections to the examiners at the beginning of the viva? On one hand it shows examiners that one is thorough, but then it might bring up questions from examiners that they otherwise would not ask or pick up....
did your supervisor not read your thesis before you submitted it????? If he did not realise this then it is unlikely that he will spot the mistake now.
I would not point out the errors to the examiners - unless they are so serious that they affect the whole meaning of your thesis and one can doubt your results!
Otherwise I doubt that anybody made the effort to check all the referenceces and if they are at the right place - we are all far to busy for this. However I would prepare such a list for your supervisor, and talk to him about this once you have survived your viva - just in case that your thesis gets published.....
gebirgsziege on Fri Jul 13 08:14:24 2012 said:
did your supervisor not read your thesis before you submitted it????? If he did not realise this then it is unlikely that he will spot the mistake now.
I would not point out the errors to the examiners - unless they are so serious that they affect the whole meaning of your thesis and one can doubt your results!
Otherwise I doubt that anybody made the effort to check all the referenceces and if they are at the right place - we are all far to busy for this. However I would prepare such a list for your supervisor, and talk to him about this once you have survived your viva - just in case that your thesis gets published.....
Oh they are just some of the intro references that has nothing to do with my results...thanks for your help as always