Let the games begin - 2010 Vancouver winter olympics (Feb/11/2010 )
Nabi on Feb 22 2010, 06:44 AM said:
indian bollywood ice skating. sounds good to me
and now, an olympic moment:
a surprise visit from our friendly mountain lynx....
I saw that on the news the other day!
cool, though I have no idea what the Japanese presenters were on, as they were calling it a tiger!
Today is bobsleighing and skating
first some british bobsleigh action
a tiger escapee......that would've been really newsworthy....they're really beautiful cats....
is there really a mcdougal burgers 'to go' with the sleigh franchise?
just watched some womens bobsleigh action...not bad not bad....
at least no split pants from us this time..I hope
Maybe they could implement this "fast food" collection into everyday use- help stave off obesity
but we're all waiting for a wardrobe G-string malfunction...
and you'd burn up all the empty calories fast- what with all that speed and excitement....
woo hoo......Team Canada won the gold medal in Womens Hockey against Team USA tonight (2-0) ...a job well-done, ladies:
Kim is figure skating right now. Go Kim Go!
woooooooooW! she did it so beautifully and she looks so beautiful too . . amazing.
150 points...