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Where is Casandra?? - (Dec/04/2009 )

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hey Lil-san...:P...I guess from now on...messages for me have to be posted in this thread bec I'd sure know how to find them....btw, did you find some Hakata dolls?

@ BB-san: thanks, but no video streaming at work but I'll check it out at home- the Get Back sessions, eh? :)


Good morning your royalness :P
I went looking but didn't really find any (or none that I could afford).
How is your highness today?


LostintheLab on Dec 8 2009, 07:28 PM said:

Good morning your royalness :P
I went looking but didn't really find any (or none that I could afford).
How is your highness today?

Ohayoo, LiL-san, one of my loyal subjects was great except someone (his name starts with the letter D) was quite mean to my royal person...ggrrr.....too bad about the Hakata ningyo, you probably can't get anything cheaper than 50 dollars what o-miyage did you bring back to the far north?


TREASON! OFF with D's head!!

I headed off to the shop as recommended by Lonely planet but I didn't see anything special... instead I brought back 2kgs of mikan (satsumas) from Nagasaki which were only 100Y for each kg and v. sweet and good. And a pile of castella which has gone down well in the lab. And for myself a lot of pictures and memories and pile of name cards


:lol:...that's a nice royal thought but I'll miss it once it's off so perhaps just a tiny nick....the mikan and castella sound good but the name cards..are you collecting all those? But I guess they'd have both writings- kanji and much snow have already fallen over there?


D? Doc McSteamy?

@LiL: Did U find castella ice? Had Kuzira in Nagasaki or not?


Maybe you meant McDreamy Nabi san :lol:

I didn't get chance to try castella ice :P , I was adpoted by 2 aging Nagasakian's and shown around and fed by them so no time for trying.
The name cards- its like the business cards, in both english and kanjii (mines in english and katakana)


Never heard of McDreamy till now.

Make ur own castella ice. Take two pieces of castella and sandwich some vanilla icecream in the middle. Put it in -20C or outside the room (only applies for Hokkaido and Casandra's house). Once they become hard frozen, thaw it for 1-2 mins and there U have it :P

And how did Obaasan-Ojiisan catch U in Nagasaki? :lol:


hey guys...we're definitely in two places now...:lol:..and it's Doc McDreamy alright...I need to plan my royal revenge....LiL-san, I can just imagine you being pulled by the ojiisan and obaasan all over Fukuoka...


and whereabouts of docMcSteamy?

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