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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Career-Advice
31. Ambigious about the acceptance - (reply: 2)
32. To do a PhD or not? - (reply: 2)
33. Colorado vs. Utah - (reply: 2)
34. Career advice is needed I feel I'm failing. - (reply: 24)
35. PhD research to Post Doc application - (reply: 2)
36. What about a "Biological Education PhD."? - (reply: 2)
37. Presentation about myself, what to say? - (reply: 1)
38. Angry supervisor over opting for masters - (reply: 4)
39. post docotoral position in hESC research, located in germany - (reply: 2)
40. Clinical/Medical Lab Tech - (reply: 5)
41. What else except for research? - (reply: 28)
42. post doctoral fellowships in india - (reply: 1)
43. Interview with old labmate(Need a decision) - (reply: 15)
44. Lab technician - (reply: 3)
45. Back to Academia after a Year in Industry?! - (reply: 1)
46. Life after a PhD - (reply: 4)
47. Position of Professor Emeritus - (reply: 5)
48. an alternative way for money - (reply: 2)
49. salary range - post-doc job usa (reply: 1)
50. ten commandments for newly minted asst prof - (reply: 2)
51. Academia to industry - I need green card badly (reply: 2)
52. why do we all look for post-doc jobs? - while many lucky people get permanent lectureships (reply: 2)
53. Testing Pipeline Architect at Ginkgo Bioworks - (reply: 1)
54. Recent Graduate how to Distinguish myself Out of School? - Shooting for awards or high GRE/MCAT? (reply: 2)
55. Number of publications after PhD - What do you think?? (reply: 3)
56. I keep getting rejected for post-doc - WTH? (reply: 30)
57. postdoc in germany - (reply: 2)
58. Does PhD study counts as job experience? - (reply: 3)
59. post-doc or job hunt, CV & cover(ing) letter writing - (reply: 9)
60. Freelance writing - (reply: 2)

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