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- Molecular Weight Markers for Gel Electrophoresis
(CIMMYT Applied Molecular Genetics Laboratory)
Two types of molecular weight (MW) standards are routinely used. The Lambda/HindIII and
PhiX174/HaeIII MW standards provide a useful reference for calculating molecular weights of large and small DNA fragments, respectively, after electrophoretic separation; the ́internal MW standards provide a means for normalizing fragment migration distances within each lane to facilitate comparisons between lanes on the same or different luminographs in fingerprinting studies.
Added: Fri Aug 02 2002, Hits: 3929, Reviews: 0
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Molecular Weight Marker
(lazo Lab)
For making Hind III digestion marker
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 1284, Reviews: 0
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Cached -
Molecular Weight Markers
List of commonly used molecular weight markers
Added: Sun Jul 21 2002, Hits: 718, Reviews: 0
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