Alkaline phosphatase cnjugated antibody - secondary antibody (Jun/21/2005 )
I want to use secondary antibody alkaline phosphatase conjugated. My question is which chemiluminesence reagent I should use to detect proteins.
Anything from Pierce.
The Pierce super signal pico solution
works great and is half the price of Amersham.
In my hands (and my entire lab), Amershams (now GE) ECL kit while being the most commonly used
is amongst the worst in quality.
Thank you, I will try to use it.
I thought all ECL reagents needed HRP conjucated secondary antibodies.
Am I wrong in this?
BS (not a good acrynom) is correct, these kits are used
for horseradish peroxidase - linked tags.
Thanks for pointing that out.
I have absolutley no experience with Alk. Pho. tags.
Sorry. Hope this didn't mess up an experiment.
Well, alk phosp is okay... in fact I cut my western blot teeth on them.
But for senititivity and ease of use, I strongly reccommend an HRP secondary antibody and a good ECL reagent.