Western Blot troubleshooting - (Jun/03/2005 )
Hi I need help
Ok this is it...
When I develop my westerns (using chemi) at the place where my bands are supposed to be I just get a nice black outline of the band. It is white inside this outline. Essentially instead of getting a black band I am getting a white band
any ideas??
you mean you have a "positive" image of your membrane???
I had this problem, too.
I think you might have overexposed your membrane to the film (the film literally "burned away" at these points).
You could try to load less protein, use a higher conentration of secondary or primary antibody or to expose the film shorter to the membrane.
Good luck.
what I meant was: you could use a higher dilution of your antibodies and not a higher concentration...
Yeah a positive image.....
I exposed it for just a couple of seconds ...infact did not even close the cassette. Also when I leave the chemi to quench and then expose it to the film then all i get is the outline which gets lighter and lighter to the point that I get nothin' at all on my film.. no outline none whatsoever ..
I think the higher dilution of the antibodies make sense...lemme give it a shot. thanks a lot for your input guys..
have a good weekend for the lucky ones who r not working

Ok this is it...
When I develop my westerns (using chemi) at the place where my bands are supposed to be I just get a nice black outline of the band. It is white inside this outline. Essentially instead of getting a black band I am getting a white band

any ideas??
Hi Pria,
By any chance did you solve your problem?
I am getting some white bands in my western too and I don't know what is the probelm. Please let me know if you can help me.
reduce the amount of secondary antibody...
I have experienced the same when I had too much protein/antibody like with loading controls (actin) I think you just have to load less extract and/or reduce the amount of the primary antibody.

Ok this is it...
When I develop my westerns (using chemi) at the place where my bands are supposed to be I just get a nice black outline of the band. It is white inside this outline. Essentially instead of getting a black band I am getting a white band

any ideas??