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protein for braford assay and SDS-PAGE - (Jan/06/2009 )

Hello everyone,
I have extracted protein from seeds and got a powder after lyophilization. I would like to know with which solutions should i use in order to disolve the powder so i could use it for bradford assay followed by SDS-PAGE.
I must say i only want to see the different proteins in my powder, not looking for a specific protein right now.
Please help me...


You can use all types of buffer containing or not detergents but some of the components are interfering with the measurement like SDS, Octyl glucoside, Urea, Gn HCL and so on....

However if you dilute your sample enough it should be fine, the best will be to use a phosphate buffer but I'm not sure that your proteins will all be soluble in a simple buffer huh.gif


THANKS VERY MUCH! i hope it will succeed

QUOTE (Jipes @ Jan 6 2009, 05:45 AM)
You can use all types of buffer containing or not detergents but some of the components are interfering with the measurement like SDS, Octyl glucoside, Urea, Gn HCL and so on....

However if you dilute your sample enough it should be fine, the best will be to use a phosphate buffer but I'm not sure that your proteins will all be soluble in a simple buffer huh.gif
