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SDS-PAGE sample preparation - (Nov/23/2008 )

Most protocols tell you to heat the protein fraction with the sample buffer (SDS, B-mercaptoethanol, BPB) in a boiling water bath for about 8 minutes. But the lab I am in right now, uses a heating mantle to heat the sample at 100 degree. Is this ok? Will it make a difference? I don't think it does but then I was wondering. Thank you!


We use in our lab both, a thermoblock and a water bath. Basicly I prefer the thermoblock, since the samples can't "go swimming". The way of heating the sample doesn't really matter. Also the temperature 80-100 isn't really important, as long as you don't evaporate all the water at the bottom of your eppi. You want to denaturate your protein. That is the important part.

-lost higo-

I've always boiled my samples for 5 minutes at 95ºC before doing SDS-PAGE and had no problem. I also prefer the thermoblock. Recently I've read here it's enough 65ºC for 10 minutes in order to denaturate the protein. I'm trying this week.


QUOTE (rigien @ Nov 23 2008, 12:14 PM)
Most protocols tell you to heat the protein fraction with the sample buffer (SDS, B-mercaptoethanol, BPB) in a boiling water bath for about 8 minutes. But the lab I am in right now, uses a heating mantle to heat the sample at 100 degree. Is this ok? Will it make a difference? I don't think it does but then I was wondering. Thank you!

the samples should tightly be mantled during heating then the slope of heating will be ok

-The Bearer-