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pROTEIN DOMAINS - new to proteomics (Nov/06/2008 )


I'm new to proteomics and I would appreciate any help. I'm trying to search the expasy, an prosite database to look for any partiulat domians my protein of interest may have or be predicted to have but I'm not getting any hits. I have teh protein sequence and teh gene accession number. The prosite datadase asks for UniProtKB (Swiss-Prot or TrEMBL) ID or AC. Where can I get this. When I simply paste my sequence it return no hits? Byt this is a known protein and not predicetd. There are antibodies available to it. DKK1 is my protein of interest.


The UniProtKB (Swiss-Prot or TrEMBL) ID or AC can be retrieved from the Swissprot database ( by giving the name of protein of your interest. You can try checking for the particular domains from PRODOM, PRINTS database also.



I want to check the percentage amino acid idenity between 4 genes. I have input the sequence in ClustaIW2 but it just gives me a score 0f . Where can I go to find the percentage?



I want to check the percentage amino acid idenity between 4 genes. I have input the sequence in ClustaIW2 but it just gives me a score of 780 . Where can I go to find the percentage?
