cDNA storage - (Sep/18/2008 )
Hi, I've done a RT-PCR. can I store my cDNA at -80° or is better at -20°?
in which conditions Is it degradable?
QUOTE (Fralab @ Sep 18 2008, 06:08 AM)
Hi, I've done a RT-PCR. can I store my cDNA at -80° or is better at -20°?
in which conditions Is it degradable?
in which conditions Is it degradable?
I store mine at -20C and they work fine.
If you want to store them for a long time like months or so, store them at -80C.
otherwise -20C is ok as far as I know. I store mine at -20C for about three weeks and they are doing fine.
Is DNA copy still be DNA so store the same as regular DNA at -20C. The RNA is the one that should be store at -80C.