vector seq & Multiple cloning site design. - (Sep/14/2008 )
Hi.. I need to find out how to design a multiple cloning site. I have a few enzymes that could potentially be used for it, but have no clue how to get about designing the site.
Also I'm trying to figure out the sequence of a vector where the sequence has not been published, and the literature searches doesn't direct me anywhere. Is there any way how I can get about finding the sequence of this.
Most people copy the multiple cloning site from an existing vector, such as pUC19.
In my experience, there is no substitute for simply sequencing your vector. If you know something about it, you can design primers to start the sequencing. If you don't, try M13 Forward and Reverse primers, which are often present. Literature usually provides a hint as to where the vector comes from, and you can trace the literature backward to find information about its properties. When you figure out the seuqence, please deposit it in Genbank so the next person does not have to do this again.
Also I'm trying to figure out the sequence of a vector where the sequence has not been published, and the literature searches doesn't direct me anywhere. Is there any way how I can get about finding the sequence of this.
As suggested by phage434, i would use an already existing vector for subcloning like pUC or pBS or pGEM. They have good multiple cloning sites.