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Star activity in BamHI - How severe a problem is this? (Aug/21/2008 )

Hi all,
I have noticed people reporting possible star activity with BamHI. Thus I would like to know how severe is this problem and how many people have experience star activity with BamHI. If you don't mind, I would like to ask you to spend the time and write down the digestion formulation you used that resulted the star activity, and perhaps the manufacturer which sold the enzyme. I would like to see if the is some kind of common trend.

As for myself, I have never experience BamHI star activity.

Thank you


i have used it quite a lot and never had any problems either (enzymes from Promega, Fermentas and NEB)


Err... hi guys. We know theoretically what star activity is but how'd we know we're actually experiencing it? rolleyes.gif


QUOTE (Dreamchaser @ Sep 8 2008, 12:26 PM)
Err... hi guys. We know theoretically what star activity is but how'd we know we're actually experiencing it? rolleyes.gif

When your plasmid digest that is meant to cut once or twice produces a smear.


No problems with BamHI so far. And its always from NEB. Its one of my favorite enzymes.


I've never experienced star activity until 2 weeks ago. I thought it was a machination from governments, but it turns out its true tongue.gif

BamH1 from NEB. Failed once, always worked before.
