Messy people - How to deal with? (Aug/11/2008 )
Yeah... I do the same... does not work in this particular case!
Anyway, I haven't see her for a while. I've been out of lab this days and whenever I stop by to do something she is not there. I will keep you guys informed!!

may be she is fired by her husband.

maybe she's taken up topless dancing
I had the same problem a few years ago when doing my master, the undergrad students just made so mess and appear that the grads were their servents so I wrote the 10 commands of the lab in a humorous way and post it everywere that their can see it. Always remaind them to Please do this (could sound like a letany but at least many will learn with so much repeat). Coding the reagents depends what are the laws of the security in lab office. For example I can't code my reagents because by OSHA and EPA I must have the full name of reagents cant write for example TBE or H2O. Also I used to had 2 bottles of the buffers that are most use one for me (hide) and one for the rest of the people at more accesible place. The sample for the tips and used to hide my pipettes under "some documents". Now that I have many students to teach and train I prepare my self a big batch of buffers and teach them that cleaning is part of the research.
same problem - topless undergrads?
I agreee. I like to have my own of everything if I can - buffers, films, medias. I put my name on each side of each thing I have. It might seem obsessive but I really do find that people (myself included) are more careful when stuff is their own rather than shared. I like to make it clear what stuff is mine or not. That being said I'm very laid back and never, or hardly ever get mad at people even if they use my stuff (unless of course they are brownnosing undergrad premeds who aren't interested in science but only in trying to get into med school)
I've been using the old strategy of "are you still using this machine/drawer/cabinet/etc?" and after she says "no" I turn it off/close the door/put it back on it's place/etc and I do it while she is watching me. It works for certain things and it seems she being more careful with some things (I am not really expecting a miracle, anyway). I hope this improves with time.
Next thing to achieve: make her stop using my pipettes and reagents.
I never thought that I could ever find such a messy and "not so clean" person working in a research lab.
Same as Merlav, I can't code my reagents for safety reasons.
Minnie Mouse: I wish she get fired by her husband!! But nah.... I am not that lucky!
Topless undergrads?
I think her husband will be very need to close the fridge's and microwave's doors at home.

The mess is 50% lower. But she is still using my stuff!!!
Today I spent 15 minutes of my precious morning looking for my own pipette!!!!
Today I spent 15 minutes of my precious morning looking for my own pipette!!!!