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how to find the modification enzyme of a target protein - (Jul/31/2008 )

If my interesting appear to be modified like phospholated, how can I get the enzyme which catalyze it? what about use the GST-recombinant target protein as bait?


QUOTE (jfchang @ Jul 31 2008, 03:51 AM)
If my interesting appear to be modified like phospholated, how can I get the enzyme which catalyze it? what about use the GST-recombinant target protein as bait?

if your protein of interest has multiple phosphorylation sites, various protein kinases may be involved; check for phosphorylation site motifs to get some candidates; however, there will be numerous exceptions from motif-related phosphorylation; you may start with candidate protein kinases to phosphorylate your protein in vitro

-The Bearer-