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M13 Hind and Sal digest - (Jul/09/2008 )

I used an M13 vector that I was told contains a sequence of interest. Learning from a colleague, I did digest it with HindIII and SalI during further processing to work with the DNA of interest. This was a long time ago (when labwork was still quite new for me) and I am trying to comprehend the process by trying to find out the original sequence of M13. I have no reference for the altered M13 and am stuck.

Has anyone done something similar or may give any hint?

-rana pequena-

Most vector sequences are out there on the web, just google them. For example, here is M13:

What is surprising though that it does not contain neither HindIII nor SalI sites...


Thank you for the link Andriy. Fortunately I now found the info I needed. It turns out the sequence of interest was amplified with primers containing these restriction sites before cloning into M13...

-rana pequena-