M13 Hind and Sal digest - (Jul/09/2008 )
I used an M13 vector that I was told contains a sequence of interest. Learning from a colleague, I did digest it with HindIII and SalI during further processing to work with the DNA of interest. This was a long time ago (when labwork was still quite new for me) and I am trying to comprehend the process by trying to find out the original sequence of M13. I have no reference for the altered M13 and am stuck.
Has anyone done something similar or may give any hint?
Most vector sequences are out there on the web, just google them. For example, here is M13:
What is surprising though that it does not contain neither HindIII nor SalI sites...
Thank you for the link Andriy. Fortunately I now found the info I needed. It turns out the sequence of interest was amplified with primers containing these restriction sites before cloning into M13...