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Electroblotting of Proteins on - transfer buffer without Tris and Glycine (Sep/14/2004 )

I have to blot my protein on a PVDF membrane. I'm looking for a transfer buffer without Tris and Glycine. Both buffers contain amino groups and they could distrub signals in the Edman sequencing.
Does anybody have a recipe?


QUOTE (kitkatjes @ Sep 14 2004, 10:15 AM)
I have to blot my protein on a PVDF membrane. I'm looking for a transfer buffer without Tris and Glycine. Both buffers contain amino groups and they could distrub signals in the Edman sequencing.
Does anybody have a recipe?

CAPS buffer for electrotransfer of proteins onto PVDF for Edman sequencing

Reagent Amount Final concentration
10X CAPS (100mM, pH 11.0) 10ml 10mM
Methanol 10ml 10% (v/v)
deionized water to 100ml

Cool at 4°C before use.

Reagent Amount Final concentration
CAPS 4.43g 100mM
deionized water to 90ml
2N NaOH adjust pH to 11.0 (~4ml)
deionized water to 100ml

Store at 4°C.
