How to end a letter? - (Mar/20/2008 )
A couple of other insulting comparisons:
Calling a Canadian an American;
calling a New Zealander an Australian.
Insult list continued:
-calling a german a bavarian
-compering austrians to bavarians...its not our fault that they wear Dirndel and Lederhosen and do schuplatteling as well!
But I think south american carnival is not "funny" in the sense of german (and unfortunatly austrian) carnival...its just one big party
but maybe we have to be funny as we can only dance polka or in best case waltz...and samba is something you have in your blood
So I will have to ski to the lab now....unfortunately I do not have a dog sledge like all canadians
it's funny how on the other hand some people feel flattered if you call them something else. i met this guy (mexican), someone (naive) told him once they thought he was spanion and he had eyes like antonio banderas he was really proud of it.
unfortunately i haven't been to the carnaval in brasil, it seems to be one of the best events in the whole world, it is party all the time. mexico is still north america (geographically) even though kids in the us are being taught that north america is only canada an the us and the rest is latin america at least that is how the dvd's are separated by regions (region 1 us and canada; region 4 latinamerica). don't know how to dance samba
but some other rhytms like cumbia or salsa i love. it is also very nice to dance a waltz next to the danube in new year's eve in austria


you mean all this time they've been fooling us?

BTW America is a continent, United States of America is a country...American is anyone from this continent.

it's really nice with all the fireworks, river and music. wasn't that cold, you could even wear shorts compared to canadian cold
