Glycoproteins on SDS-PAGE - (Aug/10/2004 )
Hi Everybody
Can anybody help me on how to selectively stain glycoproteins on SDS-PAGE gel or on PVDF/Nylon membrane??
Cell biol
You might want to try lectins, wich usually bind specifically to glycoproteins.
Here's a link you might find interesting...
some nice figures...
Hope I could help!
You may want to try this prodcut from Pierce: GelCode Glycoprotein Staining Kit
QUOTE (cellbiol @ Aug 10 2004, 04:03 AM)
Hi Everybody
Can anybody help me on how to selectively stain glycoproteins on SDS-PAGE gel or on PVDF/Nylon membrane??
Cell biol
Can anybody help me on how to selectively stain glycoproteins on SDS-PAGE gel or on PVDF/Nylon membrane??
Cell biol
There is a florescent dye called ProQ emerald-but its quite expensive but very sensitive.
Also you can use another staining technique in the lab using tymol and sulfuric acid that stains glycoproteins red on the gel. Ref: Racusen, Anal Biochem 474-476.
As for the lectins they bind to glycoproteins on your membrane you can get them linked to different molecules the one I use are linked to horseradish peroxidase. EY labs in New York sell them,I attached a pdf catologue, they do niffy kits with several different glycoproteins with different specifies. They have distributors world wide.
Sorry bout the spelling in a rush
