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Any other reagents could substitute DTT - (Aug/02/2004 )

Is there any reagents have similiar effect as DTT to break the covalent bonds in protein and need not special storage condition?

-Tangel Lee-


You can use b-mercaptoethanol in concentration about 20 mM. And check "Pirce" catalog to find more substitution.



Other replacements are TCEP (Tri(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine, hydrochloride) which is more stable and odorless, Meso-DTA (Meso-2,5-dimercapto-N, N, N’, N’-tetramethyladipamide), MESNA (Mercaptoethane sulphonic acid), and possibly NALC (N-acetyl-L-cysteine).


you can use glutathion or cystein in place of DTT
