help! proteins families - (Jan/15/2008 )
I am studing a group of proteins and I am supposed to prepeare a phylogenetic tree, so I can choose representative members of each family....problem is, I don't remeber how should I make such a tree.....if anyone knows about a website that explains about it, could you please give me the link?
I am also searching by myself, but I would really appreciate the help!!!!
I am studing a group of proteins and I am supposed to prepeare a phylogenetic tree, so I can choose representative members of each family....problem is, I don't remeber how should I make such a tree.....if anyone knows about a website that explains about it, could you please give me the link?
I am also searching by myself, but I would really appreciate the help!!!!

EXPASY has a number of phylogenetic tools you can use.
One of the easiest way to do this is to align your sequences with clustal. You can download the program to your computer (and this will automatically build a neighbour-joining tree) or use an on-line variant (for instance at In the on-line tool, you can select the type of tree you want to built. If your sequences are different enough to obtain a good tree, then this tree should provide you with enough information to select the different genes to study. If you need further evolutionary analysis, I can recommend the MEGA software, it's quite user-friendly (and it has also a clustal module incorporated now). If something isn't clear, just ask and I'll try to elaborate further.
Thank you very much!!!!
I will try your way.....
I never did a phylogenetic tree before.....maybe at the begginig of the undergraduate course...but I have forgotten......