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Problems with double digestion - (Jan/14/2008 )

Hi everybody,

I hope anybody could give me a clue. I am trying to put three different inserts between KpnI and XhoI (two of them) and KpnI and XbaI (the other one) into pYES2, pcDNA3 and one plasmid for Drosophila cells expression. I started doing single digestions of the three plasmids with every enzyme in the conditions I was going to use for double digestion and they look fine (one single band). I did double digestion and after the ligation step I only got the plasmids religated to themselves. I started all over doing the double digestion sequentially and I found out that with 1.5 ug of DNA, 10 U of KpnI does not cut completely after an overnight digestion in any of the three plasmids. I tried the enzyme from another lab and I could not have the plasmids completely cut. The problem to me is that I sequence one of the plasmids to confirm that the KpnI site was there and it was.

Has anyone any suggestion.

Thank you very much in advance.


QUOTE (mussol @ Jan 15 2008, 03:34 AM)
Hi everybody,

I hope anybody could give me a clue. I am trying to put three different inserts between KpnI and XhoI (two of them) and KpnI and XbaI (the other one) into pYES2, pcDNA3 and one plasmid for Drosophila cells expression. I started doing single digestions of the three plasmids with every enzyme in the conditions I was going to use for double digestion and they look fine (one single band). I did double digestion and after the ligation step I only got the plasmids religated to themselves. I started all over doing the double digestion sequentially and I found out that with 1.5 ug of DNA, 10 U of KpnI does not cut completely after an overnight digestion in any of the three plasmids. I tried the enzyme from another lab and I could not have the plasmids completely cut. The problem to me is that I sequence one of the plasmids to confirm that the KpnI site was there and it was.

Has anyone any suggestion.

Thank you very much in advance.

Try to switch to one of KpnI's isoschisomers Ass65I or Asp718I. I was having similar problems when I worked with KpnI. Hope it'll help.
