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Western blot with Adipose cells - (Oct/30/2007 )

Hi everyone,

I need to find a lysate buffer for Adipose cells and perform western blot.

I had tried with SDS buffer containing:
- 1% SDS
- 10mM EDTA (pH 8.0)
- 50mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)

but I was not sure with this condition - could or not - inhibit some proteases, especially phosphatase.

When I lysed adipocytes with SDS buffer, the sample always became sticky. Thus, I needed to boil it at 99oC for 10 min.

I also tried with RIPA buffer containing inhibitor cocktail for protease, but I got difficulty to remove the lipid layer.

I hope anyone who has experience with Adipocytes can help me. smile.gif


QUOTE (Gin @ Oct 30 2007, 12:30 AM)
Hi everyone,

I need to find a lysate buffer for Adipose cells and perform western blot.

I had tried with SDS buffer containing:
- 1% SDS
- 10mM EDTA (pH 8.0)
- 50mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)

but I was not sure with this condition - could or not - inhibit some proteases, especially phosphatase.

When I lysed adipocytes with SDS buffer, the sample always became sticky. Thus, I needed to boil it at 99oC for 10 min.

I also tried with RIPA buffer containing inhibitor cocktail for protease, but I got difficulty to remove the lipid layer.

I hope anyone who has experience with Adipocytes can help me. smile.gif

viscosity results from DNA and cytoskeletal proteins; lipid may be removed by filtration; the use of protease inhibitors is strongly recommended, the usage of phosphatase inhibitors becomes interesting if you like to analyze phosphorylations

-The Bearer-