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I don't know the difference between Octyl and undecyl glucopyranoside - (Sep/06/2007 )

Hi dear All.
I’ve got a question. I’m purifying Cyt b6/f complex from spinach leaves, and in the protocols I see I should use Octyl alpha D-glucopyranoside, but I’ve only got undecyl alpha D-glucopyranoside. More than the different length of the hydrocarbon tail attached, does anyone know if these two detergents share the same properties? (For examples critical micellar concentration or solubility or detergent strength)
Thank youuu


QUOTE (dcgbio @ Sep 6 2007, 05:20 AM)
Hi dear All.
I’ve got a question. I’m purifying Cyt b6/f complex from spinach leaves, and in the protocols I see I should use Octyl alpha D-glucopyranoside, but I’ve only got undecyl alpha D-glucopyranoside. More than the different length of the hydrocarbon tail attached, does anyone know if these two detergents share the same properties? (For examples critical micellar concentration or solubility or detergent strength)
Thank youuu

highly specific question: try to find information in the MERCK INDEX, or directly ask the manufacturer

-The Bearer-