Loss of LMW in Protein Standard - (Aug/29/2007 )
Throughout the past 6 months I have been losing LMW (15 and 10kDa) protein standard in our chemilumiscent ladder from Bio-Rad. They used to appear after atleast 5s of developing time. Now we are lucking if we see them at 5min or 10min. We know it is not a probelm with streptactin. We are currently inspecting our transfer apparatus becuase we found out the leads were corroded to some degree with the transfer buffer salts. My question is --Has anyone else encountered this problem? Is there anything else that may be responsible for this phenomenon? Thank you for any suggestions.
You can load some regular LMW markers, do the transfer and stain with a dye called Ponceau S. This will be the easiest way to check if you have transfer problem.
Did you store your marker at -20 C?
Did you store your marker at -20 C?
We do store our marker at -20 C. Thank you for your suggestion. That may be my next step if my test experiment this week does not work.