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Why acetylated BSA? - (Aug/10/2007 )

Sorry if this has been answered before...

In the restriction digest, I've been told to use acetylated BSA, but no one in my lab knows why you have to use acetylated BSA and can't just use regular BSA.

My thoughts are that BSA is molecular crowding agent, so it wouldn't seem to make a difference.


.Check NEB website for these questions. They are vey on top.

answer to your question may be there :

Q10: Is there a difference between purified BSA and the acetylated BSA you sold previously?

A10: Yes, a heat step was substituted for the chemical acetylation used to inactivate nucleases in earlier preparations. The new process is more effective and removes the possibility of acetyl transfer between proteins that could happen at elevated reaction temperatures.

In brief, they heat treat BSA : removes nucleases. This replace acetylation. Thus no need of actylated BSA
