pEBG vector...Where is it? - Is it possible to purchase this vector? (Aug/09/2007 )
I've been looking for the pEBG-2T vector. It is a eukaryotic expression vector that adds an N-terminal GST tag.
Every paper I come across lists it as a gift or doesn't say anything about it at all. Does anyone know if it is possible to buy this vector, or do I need to join some secret club?
Please help.
Additional background if interested: It is derived from pEF-BOS, BstXI-NotI stuffer fragment of pEF-BOS replaced with polylinker containing BamHI site, PCR to generate GST fragment from pGEX-2T with 5' BglII site and eukaryotic ribosome binding site and 3' BamHI site, inserted into BamHI site to generate pEBG.
I'd suggest you join the secret club and ask one of the authors of the papers that reference it for a sample and sequence.
That's the road I'm traveling down now, but I'd like to get a plasmid with no insert and be sure of the purity. Hence why i'd rather buy it :\
Again your answer lies on the whispered path of secret gatherings. Somebody along the line, must have the empty vector. You will have to call cold every person you can find, until you find the vector. Alternatively you can try your hand at cutting out an existing insert, to creat your empty vector.
Often many vectors are customed build, no company will stock it.