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Clontech's InFusion product - (Aug/07/2007 )

Has anyone used this product? Is it as good as it seems?

I need to insert a 45bp segment (precluding the use of SDM), but the locations I need to insert them in have no restriction sites. The InFusion product seems like it is the ideal product, but it's expensive, and I'd like to have an idea of whether it is as good as it seems before ordering.


Hi Brich

I have no direct experience of the Clontech kit, but it has had some good reviews online (do a google search). If cost is a consideration for you, take a look at the following paper:

Integration of PCR Fragments at any Specific Site within Cloning Vectors without the Use of Restriction Enzymes and DNA Ligase

Martin Geiser, Régis Cèbe, Delia Drewello, and Rita Schmitz
BioTechniques Vol. 31, No. 1: pp 88-95 (Jul 2001)

It describes a modified quikchange procedure that can be used for insertions up to 1.1kb - I have tried this and it works well.

(NB: for free access to the Biotechniques journal, just sign up on their site)


-bitesizebio guy-