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FLAG antibodies for mouse samples - Immunofluorescence/Flow cytometry (Jul/12/2007 )


I have a construct made for transfection, with a N terminal FLAG tag. I intend to transfect them into RAW cells (mouse macrophage cell line). Eventually I'd like to track the passage of the FLAG tagged protein through the cell by IF, and measure expression later using Flow cytometry - I have been looking at Sigma's catalog of FLAG, and seems that all of their antibodies have been raised in mice!

Is this going to cause a problem for IF and Flow in terms of background? Is there a way around it, like using a mouse-on-mouse kit? Or even better, is anybody aware of an goat anti-mouse FLAG or rabbit anti-mouse FLAG? Sigma has a rabbit anti-mouse in their catalog, but it's in back order, and I assume they don't have it anyway!! I searched, and there seemed to be a goat anti-mouse FLAG ab before Sigma bought out Kodak-IBI....

Please let me know your suggestions in this regard.

Thank you very much,


I think in term of patent rights, Sigma exclusively use the name FLAG for the DYKDDDDK peptide; some companies offer anti-FLAG identical Ab´s f.i. Cell Signal Technol as anti-DYKDDDDK peptide

-The Bearer-