pBJ5 sequence - (Jun/12/2007 )
Hi, i just recive a construct in pBJ5, can anyone tell me where to find the sequence of this plasmid, i've looking around de web and i can not find information about it. i would like to use this construct for subcloning, but i need to know which enzymes i can use for pBJ5.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!
apparently, pBJ5 is derived from pcDL-SRa296
link: http://www.addgene.org/pgvec1?f=c&cmd=...p;vectorid=5676
Addgene has a map available for this plasmid (and a reference to the article)
link: http://www.addgene.org/pgvec1?f=d&cmd=...time=1146584559
i hope this helps