Flag Tagging a PCR product - (Jun/01/2007 )
hi everibody.
i'm planning to Flag taggin' a cDNA obtained from PCR at the C-term.
I'm still creating oligos.
Maybe my question is stupid.
I must delete my gene stop codon in my cDNA?
and deleting all the 3 nucleotides in the Reverse oligo doesn't affect my PCR?
sorry for my question....
-Cristiano Marinelli-
You will have remove the stop codon in the cDNA and insert 1-2 glycine after the cDNA followed by FLAg tag and then stop codon.
QUOTE (scolix @ Jun 1 2007, 06:30 PM)
You will have remove the stop codon in the cDNA and insert 1-2 glycine after the cDNA followed by FLAg tag and then stop codon.
So, I have to replace the stopo codon with a gly codifing one.
thanks a lot.
-Vincent Vega-