SDS page - SDS page running strangely (Apr/30/2007 )
im using a vertical PAGE apparatus. on runing SDS-PAGE the lanes seem to fan out. i mean the width at the level of wells is quite less when compared to the bottom of the gel (twice/thrice the well width). consequently the bands, though sharp, appear quite spread out in length. the effect is more severe in the side wells. the problem is resolved to some extent if im loading proteins or even sample buffer in all the wells. i usually run the gel at 100 V . The power pack im using has only voltage selection, means constant voltage.
It seems that you don't have the same concentration in salt in all the lanes.
try to load the same concentration in salt, or de-salt your samples.
try to load the same concentration in salt, or de-salt your samples.
hi Missele. i dont think its a problem of salt concentration, all the samples are having same concentration as i had dialysed each against Tris buffer
are you running a gradient gel?
no im runnig a 12.5% gel
are the bands focused, or do they spread also in the vertical direction?
do you have a picture?