urea - (Feb/10/2007 )
What's the relationship between 'urea' and 'urine'? Is that much urea forms urine? Please tell me, thanks.
K.B, You are being extremely rude. I assume that's the way you reply to every post because you know NOTHING, otherwise you would answer the question directly if you know it. I have done some researches online, but i still doubt a little bit, so i wanted to make sure. I want to LEARN something. BUT WHAT DID YOU SAY?! If you are a stupid moron yourself (it is already proved), please don't call other people morons, alright? because you don't have the right.
Read my posts kiddo and see what kind of questions I'm answering and don't be suprised to do not understand a word. Questions you ask are high-school level and if you haven't noticed - this BioForum is not "lazy, stupid and functional illiterate schoolkids help forum" but forum for students and above. If you don't know answer for that simple question or are unable to find certain answer by yourself it is prove you are nothing more than lazy and stupid schoolkid and as a proof of your "research online" or rather lack of it - two pretty certain answers: click here and here
It's not rocked science kiddo, it is simply using your brain...
K.B. It was not certainly a nice way to just scold other people and use the words to humiliate other people. You words were insulting. How do you know that I didn't do the research. I would tell you that I had gone to the websites that you gave me, and the reason i asked the question here was because i just wanted to make sure. It was just a simple question, if you knew it, could you be a good person to help other people out. If I am lazy, i wouldn't have posted my question online. It was not my homework, and i didn't have to give it to my teacher. I just tried to learn something. Please notice your attitude next time. I don't want to give sharp words to anyone. If you love science, then please respect the people who ask questions. If you are good at science, please use your fingers to punch the keys to type in the answers. Don't be lazy! =)
1. Yes, my words were insulting and would be instulting for all lazy and stupid people like YOU.
2. If you have done research - which I doubt - but still you are unable to understand you should seek professional help with your functional illiteracy not bother people online.
3. Same as above about seeking help goes to both sectioning of that forum and purpose of each section. Have you wondered what have your question with "protein and proteomics" (do you even know what it means?) and "biology methods"? There's a hint - try "General Biology Discussion" or "Homework Questions".
4. It's not being "good person" to allow lazy and stupid people to get used to being lazy and stupid and parasite on smart and hard-working people. I have been seeing that too many times to simply tolerate.
5. Tell me which kid is lazy - one who gets book, reads and understands on his own or one who bothers other people to get an answer?
6. I respect smart people asking good questions in right places, not lazy and stupid people asking simple questions in wrong places.
7. I gave you answers kiddo, it's not my problem you can't understand them (it just proves I'm right about you).
There is a kind of person who just doesn't get what other people try to say, maybe it could call: functional illiterate? You are that kind of peculiar person. You know your words are insulting and you keep saying that. You may think you are damn smart and disrespect other people who are not as good as you. Ask you a question: How can a person become smart? Answer is from asking simple questions to sophisticated questions. No one is a genius if he/she never learns. Scientist Newton asked the question: Why apple falls downward? Other people teased him and thought he was a moron. However, he was not. The MORONS were the people who teased him. If there was a chance, YOU were THESE MORONS who never takes other people's advice and live in self-esteem's world. Though I try not to insult you, I really get angry about what you said. I posted this post was trying to solve my problem, but this post now turns out to be a moral lesson that you, being so complacent, should learn! Let's say if a person is a so-called intelluctual, but if he doesn't respect other people, then he IS a goddam TRASH!
Oh yes, first sentence and you speak about yourself - that's very nice of you...
Asking questions is only one part - other one is trying to find answers. Smart person do both parts by himself - you don't. What you have done is part every moron can do - ask simple question and wait smart people to answer. Oh yes, in mean time pretend you have tried to find an answer, that's also thing every moron can do. You may build your self-esteem by comparing yourself to Newton if you really need, you may ignore every advice you get, but fact is you don't ask "earth-shaking, ground-breaking" questions, just simple one, almost basic knowledge. You may also call people around morons teasing great genius like you if you please but still it is you who don't know the answer. (Oh, forget to ask sophisticated questions if you are unable to find answers to simple ones.)
How many hours you spend in library reading anatomy, biochemistry, physiology and genetic textbooks? How many nights you haven't slept to prepare yourself for exams? You dare to speak of respect yet you treat people here like "walking encyclopedia" who must answer your questions as you please, regardles countless hours and great effort they spend getting this knowledge and total lack of similar effort on your side. It is you who do not respect people, not me. I know value of knowledge I posess and by that I respect every single person who has similar or shows any sign he or she shares same attitute towards knowledge as I do.
First of all, I am not pretending that I have tried to find an answer while I posted my question here because Indeed I have tried. You are basically insulting my effort. And I would definitely tell you that every freaking night before my biology exam, I only sleep for 3 hours. IN order to get good grades, that's what I do. I research everything online. I think everyone has weakness, and I know that if I am not good at a particular field, I would spend damn long hours on that. You don't know me, then don't judge me. Maybe you never realize that your judgement is a disrespecting behavior. Surely, as a person like you would never know how to respect people. Consequently, you don't have the right to say that I am lazy and use even more insulting words. I mean if you really love biology, how could you just criticize the people who try to ask? And I have tried to use nice language to tell you my opinion, and you were just like a functional illeterate who kept judging a stranger by only looking at one question that I asked? Have you ever learned 'scientific method'? You already made the hypothesis, but what's your evidence? You need more data I assume. Finally, I want to say that I respect the people who answer my post even though they may not give me a good answer or they are just like: go google. At least, they don't like you who likes to use the caustic words and keep judging on me. Well, I would admit that your remark will be very helpful for the actual lazy kids to look at, but not me. BTW, If i am a lazy person, then the rest of people on earth will be bedridden. If you still don't get it, you really have trouble, kiddo. {AM I BEING CLEAR AND NICE?}
will u stop this infertile conversation, please